Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"This is illegal" I exclaimed. "You're talking as if you've cared about rules." She replied. I opened my mouth to protest but her tongue was already discovering mine. She drove her fingers through my soft hair and I wanted to protest but resisting her was the problem. She was the most attractive thing I had seen. Just looking at her walk through the corridors smiling at me, brought out the 'sexual creature' in me. My friend thinks she's the 'sexual bad-ass' in me; I don't care, she's just fucking amazing. It's not like love or anything, she's just so goddamnit sexy; lust, if you may. And I admit, she's no Betty Crocker but she sure is a lot of 'clothes off' in public places (changing rooms, bathrooms, storerooms, laboratories). Oh and she's 10 years older than me; not that I care. but some people think it's an important factor, especially Betty Crocker.
She knows I love her, she says she confused. I can't wait around forever, so I move on to the 'senior'. But now Betty Crocker decides she probably wants me too. Ah, she can have her men now. My ego was known to be bigger than me, and I'm pretty big.
So the 'senior' thinks I'm over Betty Crocker. I am, but your first love is always your first love.
Love. What a fucking pretentious word. Love is one of the inventions I hate. After Pandora, of course; she opened the whore box which ruined the world. And she went against the 'rule' set by her elder. Which brings me to point one; she's 10 fucking years older than I am! What does she even see in me?!?! And what if this turns out like 'Pandora's Box'. Like all pretty and nice outside but once opened (pun definitely intended), gets the best of her, or worse, me?!
"Sugar" she crooned. I hated when she called me that, too much Betty Crocker for me. "Sugar, I love the way your hair curls when you wake up." I replied with a grunt. "Coffee?" She asked. I snatched the mug and gulped more than half of it. "You know, I'm thinking, how much meaner could you get without coffee? I mean, quite caffeine for a week, na?" She stuck her tounge out. I pretended to grab it and devour it. "No more coffee for me from now on." I said and then finished the rest of my cup and poured some more.
The 'senior' and I actually had some things in common; we were tall, attractive, fuckingly brilliant while talking, almost ditto music and movie tastes. Betty Crocker and I were poles apart, literally. I'm 5'10 and she's 5'0. We have a difference of a large penis between us. She probably doesn't have sex appeal according to most people, which might be true, but she cuter than a panda bear cute. NOT the usual ME! Scared of talking to an audience, only about 2 artists in common and her favorite movie is exactly the the kind I detest. And I 'love' her. Gee, retarded much? Also a little ironic. Ah, THIS is the Indian side of me, isn't it?
The 'senior' was oblivous to the fact I didn't love her. Betty Crocker was oblivious to the fact I did.
I handwrote a story after really long. It's annoying to retype. Oh and fiction after REALLY long! :O
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My Overkill/ Things I've Achieved
Yes, overkill. I 'killed' it a bit too much. I thought embarassment wasn't a word in MY dictionary. Ah, as it turns out, it is, NOW. Grrrr* I'm never getting drunk again. That means if I'm taking shots with you, stop me after my 8th one, please? Oh and no more beers after that either. Thank you.
I was actually excited to be getting drunk for the first on my early surprise party (yes, they DID throw one for me) but then things got a little dirty (other than the fact Appy grabbed my ass, a billion times). So after my 9th shot (I guess), I went outside for a cigarette (it was my pretend birthday, I had to have my last cigarette) and someone dared me to kiss A***** and me being my drunk self, grabbed her face, twice, yeeesh! And then I was like hell yeah! I'm 16 RAWWWR! And kissed Ak**** and after that went crazy kissing everyone there, some people more than once, and including my best friend's boyfriend twice. :| She was pretty drunk herself btw, so she wanted to walk up to me and ask why I kissed him and I grabbed her face too, not that she's annoyed with me right now. So basically I kissed everyone, pretty much, all the sober ones did manage to push me off (I WISH the drunk ones could do that too) and I danced like a crazy bitch (which I can't remember but must have been fun!).
I mean, I'm used to being judged by people, trust me, I am. I'm not the perfect-est thing anyone has ever seen. I have a piercing, smoke(ed), drink (a lot), smoke pot (rarely), oh and like women (too)! :O When does that not get people to talk? I don't mind it, I don't, not one bit. But I was like some fucking crazy woman last night. Unstoppable kissing machine. Urgh, I hate the sound of that. Silently, everyone's judging, I know it, hate it. FUCK! I'm such a whore. I hate alcohol (not really, my beers are safe), I hate humans (they have lips, okay?), I HATE parties (not really but ones with alcohol, which brings be back to point one), I still hate 'rap music' (how is that music anyway?) and racist bastards who got dissinvited from my party (I'm talking about you, you whorefaced cock munching slut!)
And I know, some of you ARE diplomatic AND are trying to make me feel better, trust me, it's not gonna work. I have never been embarassed AND done WHOA amount of shit, yeah? I have pissed a bunch of people off AND the rest are talking about it. I can't even pretend to not care. I wish I could but I can't. I'm stuck venting to my blog. GAH* I wouldn't have posted this really, but there's pretty much nothing else to do and 'no one' else to talk to (I'm so emo now too grrr*). I'm so fucking done man. I'm frigging screwed up, I turned into what I feared, forever. Gee, shoot me, shoot me now (after the post though).
Thing I've Achieved Before 16.
1] Kissed more than three people on the same night.
2] Gotten horribly drunk but not thrown up.
3] Kissed a girl other than A*****
4] Made a blog :P
5] Wrote 8 chapters of a supposed novel.
6] Grabbed 2 people's asses at the same time (read the name of my blog again, please? :P)
7] Smoked a cigar.
8] Learnt 2 foreign languages.
9] Realized that 'love' sucks.
10] Passed my 10th in one go with not bad marks! :O
11] Pierced something other than my ears and nose. (eyebrow)
12] Flashed random people.
13] AWESOME-NESS (not after last night though)
14] Made friends in other cities and/or countries.
15] Fell in 'love' (I still don't know why I always wanted to. Younger me is stupid, as is old me)
16] Realized 'd be nowhere without my friends, family and mostly dog. :) I love you people. :)
P.S- I made a booboo. Sorry about that. I didn't mean for anyone to get irritated, okay? I love you guys. It couldn't have looked cooler (UV lights and all! :D) and I couldn't have had better cake. EEE* :)
P.P.S(which I just added)- I didn't even ask for Dhokla Popcorn... What a waste of drunk! :(
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