Place: The Purple Room
Music: Dare You To Move- Switchfoot.
The 2 worst things in the shitbag thing we call life.
Temptation & Karma.
Karma is this bad thing that happens to you when you are bad to someone else (and don't apoplogize for it). Karma has many different forms; like falling from a chair to breaking your arm. The intensites of the pain comes from the intensity of the shit you do.
It feels awesome when it doesn't attack you and someone who has done shit to you. And luckily today. I am not the wrong one. It is her... Her fingers got caught between the door and my maid tried shutting the door a billion times...
Not that it is not nice. It is really painful but you cannot expect to make me feel like a useless piece of shit, hit me, abuse me (verbally), tell me I am the worst thing that has happend to her, send me away cause she cannot stand my face and so on and so fourth.
So her fingers got stuck between the door...
Temptation is a bitch we all have to fight at some point of our lives. It could be trying to resist a cigarette or resisting the urge to kiss this certain person. And somehow we all end up stuck with it.
I tried quitting yesterday. A day hasn't even passed and I feel like shit already. And resisting the urge to go down, go to my cigg shop and light up is a pain in me behind. And temptation is not only about cigarettes. Also avoiding to eat the entire box of chocolates. And also for her, she has to quit too if she wants her teeth and I saw them and I don't want mine to be like that. But this silly thing called tempation cause infinte pain and sadness and speechless-ness. Bleh*
I hate needing things in life. Even if it is people, food, drugs(nicotine not any others), sleep and your favorite T.V shows... Bah!
This all sucks and a blog is the best way to vent anger..!
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