Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ifeellikeanimbecile : |

Lurking in the shadows of the nightlife; this is not where I want to be, this is not where I need to be.

I pretend everything’s alright. I pretend everything’s fine.

No one knows, no one cares. I can be by myself.

I am used to being by myself.

It annoys not knowing, not understanding, not reasoning.

But I’ll be fine, right? I always have been. This time’s no different, right?

I don’t want to do anything; my space is destroyed.

I don’t want to be anything; my head is smashed.

I don’t want to understand anything; okay, lying is my way.

I don’t want to feel anything; being non-human is in bad taste.

Being enigmatic was supposed to be a compliment?

I thought funny, smart, witty and charming was.

WHY are some people enigmas?

Make things clearer for us morals down here, please.

Ifeellikeanimbecile. Yes, I’m actually close to saying something of the sort.

Gah* I hate humans… I do, honestly. They do not; I repeat DO NOT, care in any sort of way. Why do they have to sit and play games? Are they sadistic? Are actually enjoying what they do us non-humans? Why can’t they say something that you might actually want to hear, like answers, or reasons? Nothing else is actually expected, you know, non-humans don’t expect much. Itna kya dikat hain?

This is after Appy’s party… L I hate parties, humans and rap ‘music’.


  1. I hate rap music too.
    I think I might be bi polar too.
    I hate certain humans too.


  2. Slightly similar... Definitely...
    BUT I hate all humans... Gah* They are sick sadistic creatures... :|
    My psychology teacher looks at me funny. I don't know what it is. Does she sense I'm whack or does sense I think she's super sexy? :|

  3. Whack, definitely whack.

    and that means you hate me too.
    AND yourself.

    You weirdo. :P

  4. Naah, you know it's super sexy... :P
    (Probably whack, though)

    I don't consider myself human btw...
    You? Yesh, to a certain extent... But me? HELL TO THE NIZZO!

    I'm weird... I love it! :D
    Oh and hug* :)


shoot this post down!