Friday, October 9, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever?

I hate how when you're with everyone you love, you're mind still wanders to another person. There's nothing to think about that person but thoughts still prevail. GRRR* And somehow I always end up hurting someone, always. And people think you're anti-social, whereas you're not really, you just don't feel like talking, to anyone. And Tarasha Gadhok isn't like this. She's the happy, nothing's-gonna-bring-her-down kinda person. She doesn't care about things like emotions or thoughts. She's free-willed and awesome. What is all this love-shove business? GRRR* I hate change. I despise it completely. Surprisingly, people didn't see the difference between want and need. HA! These incompetent humans! I will explain, someday, I promise I shall.

But things I've learned today.
a) Live music gets awesomer by the day.
b) Beer tastes better with friends. (and live music)
c) Putting your head outside the car, letting your hair getting messed and driving at a speed of 100 together is FUN!
d) Wishes don't always come true.
e) Best friends don't come and go. :)
f) Photographs are best when you don't pose. Or at least don't try to.
g) Sushi isn't great always. But chicken satay at Global Fusion is forever SEX!
h) Milkshakes at Bachelor's have gone to the dogs... One twenty fucking bucks for a chocolate milkshake! :O And it tasted like shit today! GRRR*
i) (Last one, I promise) Across The Universe is fuckingly brilliant, as is the music and direction. :)


  1. Across the Universe is a movie based on 33 of the Beatles songs...
    Across the Universe being one...
    Fiona Apple did a cover of it... I can't remember which one though... But yeah...
    P.S- You read my blog! :O I less than three you... :D You make my day, everyday!


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