There's this boy I know. He's funny, charming, adorable and smart. (When does that happen?:O) But one day, he decided that he had to move away. From me. From everyone. And I can say with honesty, I was depressed as hell. Because he was the most amazing I boy I had known. Now the US is like a gazillion miles away so visiting him in the weekends was kinda impossible.
But there was Facebook AND MSN AND Gtalk, right? RIGHT! I realized his true level of awesomeness online! I can say for a fact he's one person I have been far from and close to at the same time! :D I tell him everything. About me, about everything. I adore him, with all my heart. And if (IF) he requires it, I might just give up anything for him. I have a feeling that he tells me everything too (I hope he does, anyway). And I can't wait for him to visit Bbay so we can make sexy, sexy time ( ;) :P )
He's my love, my life, my pretty much everything and I don't know what I could do without him. In fact, I can't even imagine it.
P.S (pun intended)- Today he's17! EEEEEE* My baby's 17! HE'S SEVEN-FUCKING-TEEN! :D
P.P.S- I can't wait for him here, with my Twizzlers! And his... You know what! ;P
P.P.P.S- I know I promised something better, but babe, this is all I can do, remember the thing called a writer's block?
P.P.P.P.S- You shizzle my dizzle! :D