Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is evil?

I feel, like love, evil is a relative term. No one gets me when I say the evil is so much sexier. I mean they'll play along with it for a while but they don't get me. It's like telling a blonde a blonde joke and her laughing along. That's actually kinda sad. But we're talking about evil. Which I admit, I am. I mean, the evil creatures are always the sexier (or attractive) ones. I mean, Chuck Bass in season 1 or like Mojo Jojo AND of course Draco Malfoy (don't go killing me Harry Potter fans)! And then there's always the eversexy Sylar from Heroes. And talking about women, there's Kristen Bell who played electric girl in Heroes. And obviously Blair Waldorf to a certain extent and her character totally goes against the typical protagonist being the hero and nice person et al. Except she's a little too "OMG Chuck this and Chuck that" for my liking now. Her Blair charm has disappeared and that sucks.

So talking about Sylar. My all time favorite. I mean yeah, a lot of women might want to disagree and tell me that no, Edward (belch),Jacob, blah are hotter but SHHH! Sylar is divine/ultimate yummyness! He's so sexy that I think I might have to eat my T.V (laptop) up each time I see him. I need to eat him. And he tastes so divine. I know I sound like some creepy fan girl who is kinda creepily stalking him. The kind I'd have to slap. BUT the thing is I don't even know who the 'real' person is. I have no idea. I think I prefer knowing him as the character anyway. So basically, he's a psycho killer who is sometimes a geek/loving person. He's even got the whole glasses and cardigan thing going on for him.

Ah, I don't have time now, finals start tomorrow. HA! Epic FAIL they shall be too. But I will continue with the whole Sylar thing some other time fooo shiiiizzzz! (for sure)

Isaac Mendez: You're the one who's gonna kill me.
Sylar: That's true.
Sylar: This is usually the part when people start screaming.

P.S- You can enjoy this too, I decide to google him while writing this, hence I ran outta time!


  1. EVIL is sexy!! :P
    I totally agree!!

    MOJO JOJO and dracoooooooooooooooo!! <3

  2. YES! YES! YES!
    I'm glad someone sees the sexy! :D

  3. And thank you but I can't really read your name... :)

  4. hmmm...evil! interesting isn't it! *wink*wink*


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